Customs Procedures

Advice and assistance in multiple customs areas:

  • Advice on customs regulations and established practices of the customs authorities, including application of feasible customs procedures tailored to your business needs
  • Assistance in the proper determination of customs value, rules of origin for products, free-trade agreements, anti-dumping duties, exports of dual-use items etc.
  • Applying for customs simplifications, duty suspension and customs authorizations
  • Assessment of the proper tariff classification of imported/exported goods
  • Filing for binding information from the customs authority on tariff classification and origin of products
  • Drafting inquiries to the customs authorities for statements/ruling on vague items
  • Assistance in applying for a privileged operator’s status  
  • Elaborating on legal options for refund of overpaid customs duties and rendering assistance in initiating and conducting refund procedures

When you want not just an answer, but a solution - turn to Taxprim

When you need a solution instead of just an answer - contact TaxPrim

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